Oct 31, 2014

The world is full of non-sense

The world is full of non-sense. And most of the times you find yourself in the midst of the most nonsensical thing that can happen on a given day. And when you go through it again th same day, you feel the earlier one was still better, thus justifying to yourself that at any given time you are in a graver shit than before. Come to think of it, you just gained the physical and mental strength to take more shit. What happens the next day is anybody's guess. And this repeats. Day in and day out. All day. Everyday. And what happens to you? You just become more and more resilient. More strong. More immune. Now you can take more shit than you could have taken a day before. Gradually you settle down with the realisation that this is how stuff works and all you could do is tolerate it. Not to forget that in the process you would have given some nonsensical shit to someone else too. But that's only justified, isn't it? After all what could you do!

Any person even with a little class and character, after a certain point in time would want to fight back against this system. Show it the rightful place it belongs to, once and for all trying to get rid of it in expectation of a decent trouble free life. Now that's the tough part. Nonsensical situations attack you from all possible angles. Now how much and how long are you going to protect yourself? Forget defensive, even if you go on the offensive, how many people you think you can offend? And when you are looking for solace, the one person you look up to, on that day flipped themselves and ended up giving you a hard time. You don't want to fight with that person! After all, they are your "go to". You sit down with a heavy heart. Sad and full. Thinking to yourself - the world is full of non-sense.

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