Feb 10, 2010

And then I realized

Finally I have arrived at the conclusion that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. How you ask? Read on…

See full size imageI thought work is important. You need to DO THE JOB assigned to you first. Then think of play. Then I found out that no matter how hard you work, unless you work smart, your flight isn’t taking off. That made me kind of dull. Hence after long self realization sessions, I thought I won’t work - come what may. Even that backfired as I had put my own reputation of hard work at stake. Suddenly I had a dawn of enlightenment (yet again). Remember the second line of this paragraph? Yes. Exactly that. I just tweaked it a bit. It now reads – “You need to GET THE JOB DONE assigned to you”. Forget “first”. No matter who does it. And now little jack has all the time in the world to play. I can even do things like wasting your time by making you read this absolutely senseless phase of my life.

Now the first few lines of the last para reads something like this – I think work is important. Think of play. That will give you ideas to GET THE JOB DONE. So you keep on playing while the job is getting done. So far it has been good. It’s just a matter of time till you will find yourself reading another such post from me on self realization and dawn of enlightenment kind of crap.

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